PASSPORT PC TO HOST provides Windows-based TN3270, TN5250, SCO ANSI, VT100 and VT220 telnet terminal emulation for Microsoft Windows Includes Visual Basic and VBscript support, can be deployed using SMS, MSI, Citrix or Microsoft Terminal Server. With its competitive pricing, you can save 50% to 75% on the amount of money you would normally spend for host access.
Publisher description
PASSPORT PC TO HOST is a powerful Windows-based terminal emulation suite designed specifically for TCP/IP communication to IBM mainframe, AS/400, and UNIX applications. As one of the market's very first IP-based connectivity solutions, the mature, feature-rich package is an ideal replacement for older desktop-based emulators, including Attachmate EXTRA!, IBM Personal Communications, NetManage Rumba and WRQ Reflection. With its competitive pricing and licensing options, you can save 50% to 75% on the amount of money you would normally spend for host access. PASSPORT PC TO HOST Highlights: • TN3270E, TN5250E, VT100, VT220 and SCO ANSI emulation clients • FTP file transfer client • Compatible with Microsoft Windows XP, 2000, NT, 98 or 95 • Allows you to consolidate multiple emulators with one terminal emulation suite • Ability to use SMS, MSI, Citrix, Microsoft Terminal Server and other deployment methods • Four advanced integration options for session-based screen interface • PASSPORT HLLAPI and Object Toolkits to ease integration development • Ability to use Visual Basic and VBScript to automate routine host activity • API compatibility for HLLAPI applications written for Attachmate, IBM, Rumba and Reflection • Free Attachmate macro conversion services for clients with an annual subscription license and a minimum of 500 licenses • 100% Money Back Guarantee for customers with annual subscription licenses
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